Delivery Cost / Customs Fee
- The customer is responsible for the shipping costs when sending for the request. DC is responsible for shipping costs and customs fees incurred when shipping back to customers.
We recommend wrapping it with a buffer and sending it by express carrier service with attaching an anti-damage sticker on the box. If your device is an external hard drive, please only ship the internal HDD after removing the external case if possible (or, customs duties may be added).
DataCube address:
#416, 40, Gwanggyojungang-ro, 248beon-gil, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggi 16512
DataCube Phone : +82-31-211-2911
- By requesting recovery from DC, it is considered that you agree to share your personal information with DC — address, previous number, name, email, etc. — that was unavoidably collected for data recovery and DC keeps them for 1 year.
DC is not responsible for any damage or loss occured during transportation.
However, if the customer wishes to rework data recovery due to this, the data recovery rework and delivery may be done for free of charge, while the backup device cost to be paid by the customer.
* Customers can rework data within 4 weeks of receipt free of charge, but those that have passed the period cannot be reworked.
- Unless the customer specify the capacity of the backup device, the backup device to be selected according to the capacity of the recovered data.
- Customer data images are stored for 6 weeks, including the shipping period after the data is sent, and then discarded.
Application completed!
Your application has been accepted and the agreement on the above content has been completed. We will contact you after checking your application.