Data Cube Shipping Policy

This policy is a shipping policy for the shipment of products and the receipt of products in accordance with the application for Data Cube Data Recovery Service, and please comply with the followings.

– Shipping the product to us is considered to agree to proceed with the data recovery.

– Customers are responsible for payment of shipping costs, taxes, and other general charges for the packages customers ship to DataCube.

– Customers may choose any carrier to ship products. DataCube recommends to select a reliable express carrier company to minimize chance of damages or loss.

– DataCube will pay the shipping cost from DataCube to customers. However, customers should pay import taxes and other incurred expenses if there’s any.

– DataCube is not responsible for any loss or damages that occurs during transportation. We recommend that customers purchase cargo insurance for the shipment.

– To protect customer’s data from any unexpected exposure, DataCube will encrypt all recovered data in the return media which will be shipped to customers. The password will be shared with customers by email.

– DataCube does not accept COD. Deliveries arriving at DataCube by COD will be DENIED.

– Expected data recovery turn-around-time is 15 business days or less in general, and DataCube will inform customers when there’s an excessive delay. Turn-around-time is defined as the time difference in days between the day DataCube receive a Customer’s storage device and the day the recovered data is shipped or provided to the Customer.

This policy is subject to be updated by DataCube without pre-notice. Date of update: 10/07/2024

Please be fully aware of these policies when sending and receiving products and keep in mind the possibility of additional costs. DataCube will do its best to satisfy you. Thank you.

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